Why Datalogz?

We were born out of the need to end BI sprawl. As organizations become data-mature or have the goal of democratizing data, this problem of sprawl is inevitable without proper guardrails in place.

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When you look inside most BI tools, it’s chaos.

Most enterprises are using 3 or more BI tools. Between the unmonitored growth decentralization of these tools, and the number of users creating and consuming reports, you get a problem called BI sprawl. While the term may not sound familiar, the impact of it probably does:

Bad decisions are being made due to data inconsistency
Wasted costs: BI tool licenses, infrastructure costs, unnecessary refreshes, etc
Poor governance resulting in regulatory and compliance issues
Performance and operational efficiency issues
Security risks spike without BI ops guardrails in place (bad actors, unauthorized access, etc)

Companies are spending more on BI than you would think.

According to McKinsey, BI & reporting make up 5% to 10% of total IT spend. Yet, at most organizations it’s the wild west in terms of governance, monitors and controls.

McKinsey data expending table

Hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people build disparate semantic models with little collaboration or visibility across silos. The result? Rising costs, slower performance, and—most importantly—a loss of trust in analytics.

This is what BI sprawl looks like within your organization:

Why Datalogz?

Introducing Datalogz Control Tower. Create an unified BI/Analytics layer to monitor your data consumption and provide monitors and alerts. 

Instantly solve BI Sprawl by:

Automatically extract & unify BI Metadata
Understand your existing BI environments
Deploy monitors and alerting across your analytics stack for:
• Security Auditoring and BI Governance
• Performance and Cost Management
Monitor card example

The ROI is clear: Cost savings, risk reduction, and efficiency gains are the quantifiable business benefits your team will immediately see. The unquantifiable benefits will be better trust in your reporting layer.

Want to see if we’re a fit for you?

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